Projects of the division for Empirical Educational Research

On this page you can find a list of all current and concluded third-party funded projects.   

Research Projects

  • International students in STEM subjects and the role of their social networks

    Funding: Leibniz Centre for Science and Society (LCSS)

    Project Leaders: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander, Prof. Dr. Christian Imdorf

    Further project members: Jannika Haase (M.Ed.)

    Duration: 2023-2025

    Project summary:
    Given the skills shortage due to demographic and technological changes in Germany, especially in STEM professions, international students are an important target group for German employers.
    Although research has been carried out on international students, their integration and their academic success in their host country, only few studies have investigated the role of social relationships from the perspective of international students as potential employees in Germany. In our research project, we focus on international (STEM) students’ well-being and further experiences, their future prospects, and in particular on their social relationships within and outside the university. We use quantitative and qualitative methods, i.e., the combination of a three-wave quantitative panel study and interviews with international (STEM) students at Leibniz Universität Hannover.

  • Co3 Learn: Innovative Digital Collaboration for Teaching and Learning, Scientific Monitoring

    Funded by: Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre/ Töpfer Stiftung  [Foundation Innovation in University Teaching/ Töpfer Foundation]

    Project manager
    Focus Scientific Monitoring: Lysann Zander; Focus project development: Cornelis Kater, Dirk Lanwert, Julius Othmer
    Technische Universität Braunschweig, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    Duration: 2021-2024

    Description of the project:

    The joint project, which the TU Braunschweig is implementing together with the Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, aims to develop solutions that enable and expand student collaboration via digital offerings. Solutions in the form of digital tools and concepts for collaboration are being tested, evaluated and will be anchored in the subjects in the future. In addition, innovative tools for collaboration are to be identified together with students as well as teachers and used across the universities. The testing will take place at all three participating universities and will later be made available to all Lower Saxony universities within the framework of the Dachinitiative Niedersachsen Niedersachsen. Beyond the question of whether the developed digital toolbox actually promotes the creation of cooperation networks between students, the scientific evaluation will examine how students experience working with this toolbox, whether all or only certain students benefit from it, as well as which framework conditions and methods are crucial for teachers to use it meaningfully in teaching. Translated with (free version)

  • Effects and Moderators of Stereotype Threat in Vocabulary Learning of Students with Turkish Background in Elementary and Secondary Schools

    Funded by: DFG - German Research Foundation

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander, Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover and Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany

    Further project team members: M.Sc. Elisabeth Höhne; M.Ed. Edwina Albrecht 

    Duration: 2018-2022

    Description of the project:
    Stereotype threat (ST) describes the situation in which the knowledge of a negative stereotype about a group, to which one belongs (i.e. gender, ethnic group), causes a threat to confirm this stereotype. It was shown in various studies that under the same performance prerequisites, ST causes loss of performance. It is unresolved whether this effect only affects performance situations or learning situations as well. Further it is unresolved, whether or not ST can explain why Turkish students, a group of students confronted with extremely negative performance stereotypes, achieve on average lower language competences in German. There are only a few studies on student and teacher characteristics that moderate the effect of ST in learning situations. In addition to previous research the proposed research project shall examine implicit and explicit ST in a language learning situation. Features of German and Turkish students (extent of identification with the school, language competence, receiving culture and origin) and teachers (ethnic background, personal theories about causes for different learning successes of German and Turkish students, speaking encouragement in a ST situation) shall be examined as potential moderators of the effect of ST. Therefore, two different age groups (children in 4th grade and adolescents in 8th grade), and students of different school forms (primary and secondary schools) will be considered and relevant features of ST mechanisms during the learning process will be documented. Experimental study designs are chosen, through which a comparison of multiple intervention conditions in language learning situations lead to causal conclusions. Interventions can be prepared through which the language learning process in German can be supported for children and adolescents in school with a Turkish background.

  • Evaluation of the Certification Mark 'Excellent Digital School' in Berlin

    Funded by: Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Families

    Project manager: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander 

    Further project team members: Dr. phil. Thorsten Henke, M. Sc. Elisabeth Höhne

    Duration: 2018-2019

  • Intervention Project to Reduce Students' Dropout in STEM Subjects

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander

    Partners: Prof. Dr. Margareta Esponda  

    Further project team members: M. Sc. Elisabeth Höhne

    Duration: 2016-2018

  • Intervention Program for the Improvement of the Social Integration of Children and Adolescents with a Refugee Background (PAI)

    Funded by: Robert Bosch Foundation

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover and Dr. habil Lysann Zander

    Further project team members: Laura Trölenberg

    Duration: 2016-2018

    Description of the project:
    It is the goal of the project to support immigrated children and adolescents in developing a positive identity as a member of the receiving culture Germany. Further it is about integrating different concepts of gender, that may be connected to the original culture and receiving culture, into a non-conflict identity. Moreover, there is a special need for action at the moment in relation to the social integration of migrated children when moving from the so-called Welcome Classes to regular classes. For achieving these aims dyadic peer relations (companionships) are to be established in a quasi-experimental design in school (or other education institutions). Every student with a refugee background from a Welcome Class is paired with a socialized peer from a regular class and is accompanied by volunteers or research team members to establish a relation on a level playing field. The ‘Belonging Intervention’ is based on techniques that are successfully established in America when integrating people of ethnic minorities in academic settings.  This project differs from other projects in which partnerships and mentorships with refugees are established in aspects of “ Eyelevel”, implementation in the organized context of an academic situation, companion of the partnership by a mentor, and through the scientific evaluation of the effect (by using extensive psychometric testing, sociometric questioning and survey of observation data). The efficacy of all interventions is evaluated in a quasi-experimental trial design with repeated measurements over a period of two and a half years. First results concerning the efficacy of the intervention can be provided after a half year.

  • The Influence of Musical-Creative Projects on the Educational Development of Adolescents

    Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Bettina Hannover and Dr. Lysann Zander

    Research assistants: Dipl.-Psych. Madeleine Kreutzmann and Dipl.-Psych. Judith Becker

    Student assistants: Maria Jung, Heike Jäger, Ellen Mettke and Hagen Troschke

    Duration: 2009-2013

    Description of the project:
    For several years, a nation-wide variety of projects, with the focus on cultural education, convey a creative and active approach to music and dance, for students with different social heritages and talents. The experiences of a succeeded social, pedagogical, artistic and interpersonal process can have positive impact on the educational development of the children and adolescents.

    Aim of this research project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is to identify the pedagogical-psychological factors that trigger these positive developments, by evaluating selected well-established projects (i.e. Zukunft@BPhil of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, TanzZeit). Main research interest is to identify the particularity of the process structures and the effect of participation on student and teacher sides by using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Furthermore, the spillover effects of a participation onto the school life are to be identified.


Funded Teaching Projects

  • Applied Programming for Engineers and Students of the Masters of Education Program

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony; Innovative Teaching and Learning Concepts: Innovation plus

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander, M. Sc. Marius Bittner

    Further projekt team members: Onur-Hayri Bakici, Linnea-Lisanne Nöth

    Duration: 2022-2023

    Description of the project:

    The goal of the project is to motivate students to acquire solid basic programming skills in interdisciplinary learning tandems, based on the latest knowledge of teaching-learning research and using innovative teaching methods. Students will be taught techniques to use programming skills effectively, application-oriented, and cooperatively. Students first acquire programming knowledge independently with the help of online tutorials, then develop application-related programming solutions in tandem groups, and subsequently create their own teaching formats for students and pupils at secondary level. The tandems each consist of students in civil and environmental engineering and students in science teaching programs. By incorporating the created teaching formats into their own science classes, the future teachers can promote the acquisition of programming skills for future university students. The cross-faculty project addresses key elements of LUH's overall 2031 strategy. It not only promotes the emergence of interdisciplinary cooperative networks between students, but also ensures the development of innovative teaching based on current empirical findings in teaching and learning research through the intensive cooperation of two teachers from civil engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy) and empirical educational research (Faculty of Philosophy).

  • DIG1T-Studio: A studio for evidence-based development of digital science communication in teaching and public

    Funded by: Structural fund of the presidential board of Leibniz University Hanover

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander

    Duration: 2021-2023

    Description of the project:

    The project "A studio for evidence-based development of digital science communication in teaching and public" aims to support scientists at Leibniz University Hannover in digital communication of research results, by jointly developing digital formats for teaching and science communication based on current findings in educational research, and evaluating their effect on various target groups with regard to specific aspects (e.g. motivational effect, cognitive activation, learning gain, authenticity of the teacher). For this purpose, on the one hand, a mobile "Teaching Station" will be set up, which is designed as a complementary offer to existing infrastructures of Leibniz University Hanover (e.g. the offers of the ZQS). This "Teaching Station" can be used flexibly and across faculties by scientists at Leibniz University to produce professional video products for science communication. The "Teaching Station" is supplemented by a "Research Station", which enables the evaluation of the produced formats using educational measurement instruments. These evaluation results will be processed accordingly so that future productions can be developed on the basis of them.

  • Growing Together – Digital: Development and Implementation of a Digital Intervention Program for the Social Integration of recently Immigrated Children and Adolescents with Teaching Students

    Funded by: LSE - Leibniz School of Education; University Quality Improvement Funds for Teacher Education

    Project managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander,  M. Ed. Jannika Haase

    Student assistant: Jamila Mouhamed

    Duration: 2021-2023

    Description of the project:
    The development of teaching students’ competencies in dealing with (cultural) heterogeneity and with the social integration of refugee and recently immigrated school children and adolescents continue to gain importance. Further, due to the increasing importance of digital teaching at schools and universities, there is a particular need for enabling teaching students to develop and implement digital teaching and learning formats that promote the social integration of recently immigrated children and adolescents. Both teaching students and school teachers are currently searching for solutions while facing the challenge of encouraging recently immigrated children and children raised up in Germany to establish positive and supportive relationships in remote learning environments.

    The main goal of the project is to translate an existing project, which has been implemented in schools with proven positive results, into a digital format with teaching students, teachers and experts in digital teaching and learning (film, media, design, graphics) (for the already existing project PAI - Peer-Assisted Social and Identificatory Integration of Refugee Students, see concluded projects).

    Teaching students at the Leibniz University Hannover actively and constructively participate in developing digital teaching formats while they engage in cooperative work with already practicing teachers by creating ideas together and implementing these ideas at schools. In addition, the goal of the project is to establish, intensify, and consolidate (existing) cooperation structures between teaching students, instructors at the Leibniz University Hannover, teachers, and experts in digital teaching and learning. On a structural level, this can facilitate students’ transition from universities to the teaching profession and interlink the three phases of studying teaching programs (studying, traineeship/entry into the profession, further training). The project aims to promote competencies in dealing with inclusion and heterogeneity and (digital) media competence among prospective teachers and thus facilitates teachers’ dealing with challenging situations in digital learning environments after graduation. For the long-term implementation of the digital intervention sessions, a video and material platform will be created for future seminars.      

  • Growing Together 2.0: Promoting social integration of Ukrainian and Russian adolescents through a school-based brief intervention program

    Funded by: Robert Bosch Stiftung

    Project manager: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander

    Further project team member: Jannika Haase

    Student assistants: Helena Ballüer, Ramin Alizadeh, Miriam Silbermann

    Duration: 2022 – 2023

    Description of the project: 

    From 2016 to 2018, the Robert Bosch Stiftung funded a research project in which we developed and scientifically evaluated an intervention ("WIRwerden") for refugee children and adolescents in schools. In the program, children and adolescents who had fled as well as children and adolescents who had grown up in Germany got to know each other in tandems and small groups and exchanged ideas on various topics (e.g. values, ideas about the future) over a period of nine weeks. They were guided by specially trained coaches (students of teaching, psychology and educational science). The effectiveness of the intervention was proven in an accompanying scientific study: Not only immigrant children but also children who had grown up in Germany benefited from participation, for example, by perceiving themselves as more academically and socially competent. Against the background of the currently worsening situation in the Ukraine war and the growing number of refugee children and adolescents from Ukraine, we aim at (1) immediately adapting the developed program for the current target group and implementing it in schools in the short term (immediate program), and (2) developing a flexibly usable, professionally digitized short version of the previous program, which can be used by students of teaching, teacher trainees and teachers within and outside of the school classroom.

  • Increasing visibility and enhancing attractiveness: production of an image film and optimization of the internet presence within the educational science components of the Master's program in Educational Sciences

    Funded by: LSE - Leibniz School of Education

    Project Managers: Prof. Dr. Lysann Zander

    Further project team members: Jannika Haase, Sören Traulsen

    Duration: 2023

    Description of the project:

    Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) aims at improving general teaching and study conditions, as well as the presentation of the range of courses on offer, through new designs and optimized structures for its websites. With the parallel offer of quantitatively and qualitatively oriented courses as well as the possibility of deepening in the field of social network analysis, which is unique in Germany so far, LUH can offer students an attractive offer throughout Germany. In order to increase the visibility of this offer, we aim at:

    (1) producing a short image film

    (2) restructuring the sub-page of the MA in Educational Research that belongs to the website of the MA in Educational Sciences and to make it more informative and attractive for prospective students and students.