Conferences, Workshops and organised Symposia

Here you can find current projects/events of the division for empirical educational research. You can find all past projects/events via the personal pages.

Organised Symposia


  • Zander, L., & McElvany, N. (2021, August). (Absence of) Stereotype Threat Effects in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education: The Role of Student and Teacher Identities. 3rd Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education (CDME), Potsdam, Germany.
  • Zander, L., & Buchholz, S. (2021, June). Maintaining student engagement, persistence, and growth in online learning environments: connecting insights from large- and small-scale assessments. Thematic Meeting “University 2021 – post-digital and post-pandemic (?)” of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Frankfurt am Main, Germany


  • Zander, L., & Müller, C. (2020, March). Peer groups in heterogeneous classrooms: Current directions and challenges for research and practice. Symposium at the 8th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany. [Conference canceled due to Sars-CoV-2]. 

  • Wolter, I., & Zander, L. (2020, March). MINT (ist nichts) für mich? Affektiv-motivationale und verhaltensbezogene Mechanismen der Beteiligung von Frauen in MINT-Bereichen [STEM is (not) for me? Affective-motivational and behavioural mechanisms of investment of women in the STEM subjects]. Symposium at the 8th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany. [Conference canceled due to Sars-CoV-2].





The Role of Social Network Research in (Higher) Education

(Social Network Analysis; Lead: Guest researcher Jasperina Brouwer)


Remaining Motivated Despite the Limitations: University Students' Learning Propensity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

(qualitative researchmethods;  Lead: Guest researcher Maila Rahiem)

14./15.06. & 22.-24.06.

Integrative Data Analysis

(Longitudinal IDA;  Lead: Guest researcher Gregory D. Webster)